26 April 2012

would you dare?

Me, personally, if I was daring enough,
I would walk around in Athens in dresses like these...
I mean during daytime, doing normal stuff like buying tomatos and
not just making some fancy appearence in some bar.

Couture Allure dresses as seen in Vintage Bulletin

And these, although a bit less extravagant they are.

This one is a favorite, I am in love with the fabric.

Just look at them how happy they are!
It sure is the 50s...

all images above are from vintage bulletin

One thing is for sure: one of my next sundresses will be in this style.
I just have to try it out. And who knows...maybe the grocer around the corner
won't be that surprised seeing me buying tomatos dressed like this.
We all are performing in this life somehow ;o)
And that´s that!
I just thought of sharing some of my favorite images with you,
coming back soon with new creations!
I will leave you with these lovely ladies here...
...oh those were the days!!

21 April 2012

Spring at last!

This winter has been a long one.
Oh yees, we are in Greece but somehow this year  
in Athens we only saw rain and endless cold.

Or at least it seemed so to me. 
However I do not complain,
because I enjoyed to the maximum wearing my winter clothes: 
woolen sweaters, warm cardigans, thick tights....etc etc
But now that spring is here,
you cannot but feel your heart warming up and 
a smile forming on your face... 

Well, it does make a difference when at the end of a hard day
at work there is still daylight, hip hip hurrah!
Proud of my flowers I am, 
I have been waiting for them a year now!

It has been a while since I decided that my wardrobe
did not include as many dresses as I would like to.
Suddenly, I was so tired by my so-far-favorite combination of skirt'n'blouse.
So, this spring's goal was to make a couple of dresses that
are easy to wear, meaning by that to be comfortable during the day,
but also elegant if I happen to go out.
You never know, right?! ;o)

Presenting my first-under-this-concept creation:

Sundress #1



The sleeves are petal-formed 
(I got the idea from Katy's petal sleeve tutorial and
I just knew I had to try it out someday!) 

...and reversible.

It has been finished for quite a while now,
but I decided to wear it for the first time at Easter, in remembrance
of our childhood when we were given new clothes for Easter.
I know I know, you look at the shoes and think:
we were usually given new shoes as well, n'est-ce pas?!
Sorry, but mine are so comfortable that I just can't bring
myself to throw them away!

On to the next one then...
have a wonderful weekend y'all!

17 April 2012

Happy Easter everybody!

It has been pretty hectic around here these days...
Easter time for Greece it was or is!
I hope you all had fun and enjoyed eating all the eastern goodies ;o))
However it is still not over, enjoy it while you can!

Happy Easter to y'all!

Χριστός Ανέστη!
chocolate easter egg's author is 
the notorious+multitalented Georg. family

09 April 2012

Elisavet's Wedding Dress

My dearest friend Elisavet from Antalya was in Athens a few days ago...
We first met last summer, when I was there on a short trip.
Antalya is really beautiful, not only because it is
my grandmother's native city..

this is where my grandmother lived her early years

but simply because it is.
The old city is enchanting...

...and the mediterranean sea is right at your feet!

 Since then we have met a couple of times more,
I guess it helps her being a business woman,
since she has come to Athens more than once.
If you ever want to buy or rent a yaught, she is the person you need:
trustworthy and such a kind person!
And of course a very good cook...how could it not be! mmmm....

The reason why I am telling you all this is because
Elisavet&Hanna got married last September
and I voluntered to help her with the wedding dress.
We were going to modify her mother´s wedding dress,
but it was soon discovered that it was made of a very warm fabric.
Antalya is really really hot, even in September, so a new one had to be made.
All of this was decided over the farewell drinks the night before I left.
So I couldn´t take her measurements myself,
but Elisavet with the help of a friend took them and mailed them to me.
And then with improvisations like this
 I tried to get more precise information.
To be on the safe side,
as we were not long before the wedding,
something really simple was made that would fit her for sure.
Elisavet wanted to have something very simple as it is,
so much easier for everybody it was ;o))

Here it goes...

The fabric was given to me by her maid of honour...

and I made this simple elegant cut.

And here are the wedding photos...!

a lovely couple, aren't they?!
Wishing them all the best!