12 October 2012

transformation series #2

(#1 is here)

This is the original outfit,
my mom's of course, brought back in the 80s.

The fabric is fantastic, 100% cotton but very thin and lightweight,
and has the nicest colours.

It's details drive me crazy:
for example, the straps for hanging are made of the same fabric(!)

Although I would love to wear it,
I am self-consious enough as to realise
that I could not do it without laughing at myself.
The blouse alone is ok, but the skirt? oh my, the skirt!
Not becoming at all definitely!

But as you see there is a solution for everything, yeap!


 I have to say that I literally reused everything:
didn't cut or throw away anything, yeah!

1. made some fancy straps

2. created a faux placket in the back in order to fit to size

3. made a new belt out of the old one, et voilá!

It has been my favorite outfit for summer 2012,
what else to wear when it is 42 degrees Celcious outside?

(a big thanx to eugenia&kostis for making the photos)

And last but not least:
the funniest moment of this summer...!
Trampolino in Loutra Edipsou, Euboea

04 October 2012

summarising summer

Summer season should be over by now, but it isn't.
Being lucky here in Athens it is still hot and sunny! yeah!
I hope that it will last some days more and it will soothe our way into
daylight-decreasing autumn season, which is aproaching inevitably.
You may have guessed by my long silence:

I had lots of fun this summer!!

I enjoyed the sea ,

saw places and stuff,

had fun with dear friends!

I also kept myself busy with small projects
(and larger ones which are coming right up).
One of the small ones is this skirt for a friend' s baby.

It is made of a silk scarf, which she had but never wore.
As soon as I found that out, my recycling insticts woke up and
I offered to reuse it and make something that her baby girl could enjoy.
The biggest surprise for me was that the scarf was hand painted by
my fine arts teacher in college: Mrs.Roza Pappa-Vegoridis.
It was such a funny coincidence, I only realised it when making this photo.

The idea for the adjustable elastic on the waistband is from here.

pretty cute!