26 June 2012

a tablecloth to wear

Last week was pretty exciting:
celebrating the longest day of the year we were and 
enjoying Maria's success!
 Maria presenting her work in Athens School of Fine Arts

It was the best motive to speed up and finish this tablecloth skirt
 in order to celebrate in vivid colour.

The artist stayed true to her artwork's principles of course. 

I found this fabric among tablecloth fabrics and, although I am not
a big fan of the red colour, it cought my eye immediately. 
I just improvised some blue details in order to break the red dominance.

The pattern is a half circle

and therefore it has volume!

And movement!

I find it very comfortable and easy to wear now that 
it is so hot out there...
... I just love it yeah!
I will surely make another ;o)

14 June 2012

wedding series #1

Marina&Stavros got married!

It was a lovely wedding, a bit too hot maybe,
but we patienly endured everything...

...we were compensated as soon as the bride arrived 
in this vintage mercedes: 

absolutly smashing!

Marina was sooo beautiful in her wedding gown..

and I had in time finished my own dress. yeaaah!
(strange but true)

As you see there are no side seems.
front side

Like in the black'n'white skirt I gave the pattern a 45 degrees turn. 
Having the volume of the fabric on the front and back, and not on the sides,
it is more flattering and fits better. 
back side

The restaurant, where the party was held, was by the sea:
a most adequate scenery to make photos, like my friend Daphne says.

I thought it would be chilly later in the evening, but alas...still hot it was.
Thankfully there was a light breeze, which served us right enough to cool off
and to show the volume of the dress...

And getting closer we are..

The sunset was impressive,

but, mostly, we had a lot of fun making the photos!!

Thank you girls for helping out and for your patience.
this is their you-are-welcome smile(!)

I have no idea what's coming next...till then enjoy!

08 June 2012


This is the very first garment that I made,
when I started at the sewing academy.
front side

back side

I liked the idea of combining two fabrics since the pattern was so simple.
The original idea was to use one on the front and the other on the back, 
but in the end it looked better giving the skirt a 45 degrees turn.

So you have the bright side 

 and/or the dark side of the moon.

So sorry about the wrinkled look, 
but it was a long and winding road that led me there!