04 May 2012


The good thing about sewing, apart from the joy of being creative,
is that you can have fast and easy solutions
when you need them and exactly the way you want them.
In my case it was a couple of pillows for my new couch.
Some of you know that some time now I have a small studio to work in.

Searching the web for ideas and furniture I fell upon this 
by Kartell 

and it was love at first sight. 
It was exactly what I needed, as the space is really small.
After some search I found it online on sale, I just knew I couldn't say no...
and therefore one day it arrived in a (very) big box.

As I told you before I don't (or better said, I can't) throw away anything,
so you see the box was turned into a small coffee table.

Next step was to get some really large pillows,
as the sofa although very comfortable is only a bit too deep.
At IKEA I usually find something that I like, but not this time.
So I bought the fabric instead and made them myself.

Less time and brain energy consuming than searching the market for sure!
On one I used some of my favorite buttons (had them) 

and on the other one a plastic zipper for jackets (bought it).

This is their back side. 

And as this is getting too black and serious, 
I will leave you with a special love of mine:
my very first attempt with pillowcases. 

It was for my flat in Madrid, which was already furnished 
but not much in my style, 
and so this was an improvised funny touch.

Is it my imagination or doesn't the fabric remind you of granny panties?
My granny had more than one pair of that kind of fabric, only in white of course...:o)


  1. Δεν το ήξερα ότι το τραπεζάκι το έχεις φτιάξει εσύ.. είσαι και πολύ τζίνιους!

    αχχχ τα σώβρακα της γιαγιάς!!!

  2. Ναι ρε συ σωβρακο παντελως, το ηξερα πως θα με καταλαβαινες μαβιλιτσα μου! ;ο))
