The reason why I have been away so long is my new identity:
I am a student again! Or at least I try to consider myself as one.
I like the idea of learning new things.
When I am in class or when I study at home,
I often feel my head getting numb.
My optimistic version is:
this is because it has been put to action again and
it swallows up from knowledge.
The pessimistic one says that I am too old for all this,
there is no more space for new information.
Hence the brain complains and tells me to stop all this madness.
Part of all this is true.
The only thing for sure is that when you have a full-time job,
it isn't that easy in your rare free time to join classes and do homework.
And all this just for fun.
But it is fun actually.
Following my instinct I was all my life, so it will be till the end.
As long as it is fun, I will continue. And when my friends start to complain
for giving up on them or when my strength fails me, I guess I will stop.
As long as it is fun, I will continue. And when my friends start to complain
for giving up on them or when my strength fails me, I guess I will stop.
Thankfully my sewing machine has no voice and she can't complain,
for she is abandoned as well.
Some glimpse of my working space:
all these boxes are full of textiles ready to be sewn.
Let's see how long they can wait :o)
a big thanks to Asterina and her car who took us to the airport back then..

And getting back to our main point,
what I most enjoy when going to class is the ride.
The Faculty is located in the western suburbs of Athens.
It is a part of Athens that I am especially fond of:
a. because of its industrial character, who has maintained it's originality
and has resisted the massive construction noticed in the rest of the city.

b. because of it's topography.
A big highway is the main access road to this part of the city and
from here you get to appreciate at once all the
mountainous volumes that surround Athens.

c. because here, on this highway that passes by Kifissos river,
my first memories in life were made.
In the whereabouts used to live my grandmother and it is where my father grew up.
So endless tales have I been told about this neighbourhood,
endless times have I passed by this river.
Although the scenery has changed a lot since then,
small parts of the past have been left untouched.
Everytime that I go to class, is like a travel back in time.
it could be a lot better with a little bit of care and maintenance
(wishful thinking). But it has character, I would say.
And of course the views to enjoy even from within the building when in class,
rest your mind and soul.
First of all, we learn about fibres, natural or man-made.
Our favorite one for this semester is cotton
and we study the whole procedure of production from fibre to yarn.
The next best thing is textile colouring.
It is chemistry mostly, but we get to do experiments.
We wear our white robe and experiment with textiles and colour liquids, super!
Τhanx to the people I have teamed up, it is so much fun!
People also ask me about my classmates...
and I answer they are a lot younger than me of course!
But talkative, gay and laughing all of them and time passes by very pleasantly,
the stress from work is forgotten in a moment!
Can't wait about upcoming semester:
we will learn all about woven fabrics and learn how to use the loom (!)
Unfortunately not this beauty as it is out of work..
Well, that's all there is.
Promise to be back soon with my latest sewing project (which is old enough).