The wedding series posts must continue,
and it is ana'n'antonio's turn.
Their wedding was the high-expected event of the year.
We were given notice a year in advance
(people from different ends of the world were coming),
so I had time to think well of what to wear.
Wanted to make a new dress of course, but, alas,
the mediterranean spirit is too strong.
Months of brainstorming and no decision was never made.
Reaching two weeks before departure I just had to invent something,
plus to find the superduper wedding gift,
mission impossible for indicisive persons like me..
But under pressure everything goes swell in the end,
the gift was found, plus there was a last-minute surprise made from my mom.
(she is even worse than me in planning things,
it runs in the family I would say..!)

and the dress..oh my the dress.
The fabric I had chosen had an original design and,
making things simple, I decided that no elaborated pattern would do.
step 1: gathered all the width of the fabric in pliegues to fit the chest.
step 2: made a removable belt to mark the waist.

step 3: added a touch in the back to give it character.
With Antonio and Ana we go a long way back.
We met in Vienna as Erasmus students.
With Karinne together, all four of us aka AAAK, had lots of fun...
...and action!
We later met in Seville and shared flat..
It is to them that I owe my lovely sewing box!
K didn't follow the team to Seville, but she came to visit.
It took a lot of persuasion from our part as she is hard to get (busy woman),
but love wins in the end!
So when the breaking news of their wedding arrived, I was thrilled:
we would reunite after so many years!
And of course going back to Seville meeting old friends
is only an adventurous pleasure.
Antonio was so elegant in his suit.
All of them were that is.

Anita in her wedding dress, she was smashing,
it fitted her style and form perfectly I would say.
Seville, even in September, is incredibly hot.
Thankfully our hosts thought of that and gave us sun umbrellas, japanese style.

madrid's notorious team
Here we are intenting a quick photoshoot on our way to the buses
that would get us to the party...
...but paparazzi photos are always the best.
The party was held in an historic urbanisation of the 60's,
it is where ana's grandparents live.

The place was ever so beautiful:
green*green grass all around an ever so blue*blue pool.
Saved from sunburning we were by two friends of AA,
who constructed this singing-with-the-wind white sky..

So, walking on the grass around the pool we had time to chat with friends..

karinette and me

And animated we were!
Bottom line: everything was great and we had so much fun!
Let's just hope there will be another excuse soon for reunion and parties ;o))
and it is ana'n'antonio's turn.
Their wedding was the high-expected event of the year.
We were given notice a year in advance
(people from different ends of the world were coming),
so I had time to think well of what to wear.
Wanted to make a new dress of course, but, alas,
the mediterranean spirit is too strong.
Months of brainstorming and no decision was never made.
Reaching two weeks before departure I just had to invent something,
plus to find the superduper wedding gift,
mission impossible for indicisive persons like me..
But under pressure everything goes swell in the end,
the gift was found, plus there was a last-minute surprise made from my mom.
(she is even worse than me in planning things,
it runs in the family I would say..!)

The fabric I had chosen had an original design and,
making things simple, I decided that no elaborated pattern would do.
step 1: gathered all the width of the fabric in pliegues to fit the chest.
step 2: made a removable belt to mark the waist.
As simple as that.
With Antonio and Ana we go a long way back.
We met in Vienna as Erasmus students.
...and action!
We later met in Seville and shared flat..
It is to them that I owe my lovely sewing box!
K didn't follow the team to Seville, but she came to visit.
It took a lot of persuasion from our part as she is hard to get (busy woman),
but love wins in the end!
So when the breaking news of their wedding arrived, I was thrilled:
we would reunite after so many years!
And of course going back to Seville meeting old friends
is only an adventurous pleasure.
Antonio was so elegant in his suit.
All of them were that is.
Anita in her wedding dress, she was smashing,
it fitted her style and form perfectly I would say.
Seville, even in September, is incredibly hot.
Thankfully our hosts thought of that and gave us sun umbrellas, japanese style.
madrid's notorious team
Here we are intenting a quick photoshoot on our way to the buses
that would get us to the party...
...but paparazzi photos are always the best.
It is an art that mm knows well.
The party was held in an historic urbanisation of the 60's,
it is where ana's grandparents live.
The place was ever so beautiful:
green*green grass all around an ever so blue*blue pool.
Saved from sunburning we were by two friends of AA,
who constructed this singing-with-the-wind white sky..
So, walking on the grass around the pool we had time to chat with friends..
karinette and me
..and taste all the goodies that were dancing around!
After 4 hours of doing that, we sat by the table to have a 3 course meal (!)
The food was sooo good and I ate everything up to the last bite.
Only natural it was to end up like this!
an oh-my-god-I-will-explode expression
Removing the belt was a lot of help and standing up was possible again.
Paparazzi mm hits again!
Anita, spontaneous as she is,
improvised a parade in order to animate the guests
And animated we were!
The day after: bidding our farewell to Seville and it's locals,
drinking coctails opposite the cathedral and having fun with old friends,
what more could one ask?!
Let's just hope there will be another excuse soon for reunion and parties ;o))