I would like to dedicate the first post of the new year
to my darling big sister, my #1 fan.
For Christmas she gave me a Yoda doll, full of his wisdom.
As I am not a registered star wars fan,
it took me a while to get the meaning of this...
reading the text on the box I was enlighted:
she was teasing me about my way of writing:
reversing the order of words that is.
But of course he is the grandmaster of this art as you read above(!)
Christmas season inaugurated with a short trip to Thessaloniki,
visiting some friends we were in order to meet their newborn grandson.
We stayed only for 2 days, but we enjoyed it to the most
walking around the city and having fun with dear friends.
This is what lies beneath the city..

The subway is under construction, but it looks like it will take a while..
Walking on the pier,
I once again declared my love for this city
and remembered some stills of a couple of movies
seen in an exhibition in Benaki museum, Athens, a short while ago.
Parenthesi(1968) by Takis Kanellopoulos

Landscape in the mist(1988) by Theo Angelopoulos
Unfortunately I enjoyed no sewing activity neither before nor during Christmas.
I only managed to make this cardigan for the baby in the last minute.
Buttonless it left Athens,
the buttons were sewn during the trip.
Photos before handing it over were made on this marvellous blanket
which destroys the colours,
far from home there are not many options, you see..
When Christmas was long gone, and after the dawn of the New Year,
I decided to make some wishing cards.
I had these beautiful cookies to go with the card,
so I couldn't miss the opportunity.
A friend makes the cookies with love'n'care and are always freshly baked,
I have her number for those who are interested ;o)
packed it all up and up to the post I was.
Will they reach their destination? We will wait and see.
And concluding, I have some breaking news:
I am a student again!
I applied and I was accepted in the Department of Textile Engineering,
Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus. It sounds thrilling and it is!
I think there will be a lot to learn..It is a wonder how I will squezee it all in 24 hours per day.
Future will tell, as always.
Wishing a creative and full of love new year to everybody!